Indian Research Output on Cloud Computing Research during the period 2009-2018

A Scientometric Analysis


  • Santosh Kumar Bharati Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi (India)
  • Ajay Kumar Assistant Librarian, Central Library, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.) India


Cloud Computing, Scientometric, Annual Growth Rate, Relative Growth Rate and Doubling Time, Productive Authors.


The present study aims to analyze the Indian research output on cloud computing research during the period of last 10 years i.e. 2009-2018. The data was collected through the Scopus database which is owned by Elsevier. The study examines and analysis many scientometrics parameters like; year-wise distribution of publications; annual growth rate of publications; relative growth rate and doubling time of publications; most productive authors; significant keywords and found that the highest 1797 (23%) of research papers were published in 2018 while the maximum 287.50 annual growth rate was recorded in 2010 and the highest relative growth 1.58 was recorded in the year 2010 forever the highest 2.65 doubling time was recorded in 2018. Chandrasekaran, K. was the most prolific author with a maximum of 39 research papers contributed to cloud computing research in India from 2009-2018. The most significant keyword was „Cloud Computing‟ used in 5981 publications from the marked period of study.




How to Cite

Bharati, S. K., & Ajay Kumar. (2019). Indian Research Output on Cloud Computing Research during the period 2009-2018: A Scientometric Analysis. Library Waves, 5(1), 20–28. Retrieved from