Lotka's Law and Authorship Distribution in Cloud Computing Research
Lotka's law, Cloud Computing, Least Square Method, Maximum Likelihood Method, Sen's Method , Kolmogorov-SmirnovTest.Abstract
This paper examines the validity of Lotka's law to authorship distribution on the Subject Area “Cloud Computing Research. In the process, we chose to consider the articles published in 2007 – 2013 for the study. Lotka's law constituting the most significant bibliometric law is applied and tested using various methods like Sen's Method, Pao's Method, and Maximum Likelihood Method and finally verified through Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) Test. The Hypotheses is thus tested with these measures for its validity and it is found that the values of exponent and constantly obtained through the above said three methods proves that Lotka's Law does not hold good for the authorship pattern in cloud computing research and hence the hypotheses get rejected.
How to Cite
Savanur, K. ., & Devi S, G. . (2015). Lotka’s Law and Authorship Distribution in Cloud Computing Research. Library Waves, 1(1), 1–13. Retrieved from http://librarywaves.com/index.php/lw/article/view/1