Institutional Repository Software and their Use by the National Institutions of India: A Survey


  • Nitesh Kumar Verma Research Scholar, Deptt. of Library & Information Science Mizoram University, Aizawl
  • Akhandanand Shukla Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Library & Information Science Mizoram University, Aizawl


Institutional Repositories, DigitalArchives, DSpace, EPrints, Fedora, Greenstone


Recent changes in ICT have opened new ways of information creation, organisation, storage, and dissemination for scholarly communication. The institutional repositories act as central digital archive to make research and intellectual outcomes of the institutions available online to their needy ones. The paper discusses the concept, need, pros and cons related to institutional repositories. Besides this, paper also discusses the survey results based on its framed objectives and concluded that DSpace & EPrints are most prevalent software for the purpose.




How to Cite

Verma, N. K., & Shukla, A. (2015). Institutional Repository Software and their Use by the National Institutions of India: A Survey. Library Waves, 1(1), 33–41. Retrieved from

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