Usage of Web Resources among the Users of Atal Bihari Vajpayee Central Library of Mahatma Gandhi Central University

A Survey


  • Anubhaw Kumar Suman Research Scholar, Department of Library & Information Science, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari - 845401, Bihar, India
  • Soma Tanti Research Scholar, Department of Library & Information Science, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari - 845401, Bihar, India
  • Dr Madhu Patel Assistant Professor, Department of Library & Information Science, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari - 845401, Bihar, India


Web Resources, User Study, Internet, E-Resources, Electronic Resources, Academic Library, University Library


This article gives an insight into the usage of web resources for academic purposes and other activities by the users of Atal Bihari Vajpayee Central Library of Mahatma Gandhi Central University. Due to multimedia content, web resources are a better learning tool than textbooks for learners because it promotes dual learning i.e., combining learning and working as well as technology-enhanced educational learning. The study shows the web resources usage patterns, levels, favourite visiting websites, time spent online, and main motivations for utilizing the web resources for their study and academic activities. The study concluded that all users of the library use the web resources for their academic and other purposes. The majority of 90.56% of users use web resources daily for their study and research purposes. 94.34% of users consider educational and research-related web resources reliable on the Internet. 24x7 availability, time-saving and ease of searching are the most attractive features of web resources among the users. However, Low Internet connectivity is the biggest problem among the users in the access of web resources on the web. The majority of 92.46% of users are computer literate. It serves as a source of inspiration for students and researchers interested in advancing learning trends and finding instructional information for their needs.

Author Biography

Dr Madhu Patel, Assistant Professor, Department of Library & Information Science, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari - 845401, Bihar, India






How to Cite

Suman, A. K., Tanti, S., & Patel, M. (2023). Usage of Web Resources among the Users of Atal Bihari Vajpayee Central Library of Mahatma Gandhi Central University: A Survey. Library Waves, 9(2), 104–116. Retrieved from

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